A hub for social movement-makers, community managers and local group leaders to unlock the power of successful peer networks.

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Who’s behind this repository?

The Peer Network Programme or People’s Community of Practice (CoP) was a programme funded by Power to Change, the independent trust supporting community businesses in England, and run by The Social Change Agency and Shared Assets. From 2016-2018 it supported 13 community business peer networks to:

  • Develop new and innovative approaches which improve peer networks and support movement towards self-sustainability
  • Improve collaboration between support providers and community businesses across the sector
  • Attract new ideas, opinions and approaches to stimulate creativity from a wider field of influence
  • Assess the merits of different networking approaches e.g. digital, online/offline, resource/experience sharing
  • Identify, where possible new viable business models e.g. membership, blend of digital/face to face, to support peer to peer networks over the longer term​
  • What happens when you snort prozac

The insights, methodologies, case studies and learnings from the programme are what you see throughout the website.

What happens when you snort prozac